SRE Powered Dev Productivity

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Key topics on Access Control Podcast: Episode 9 - SRE-Powered Dev Productivity

  • The DevOps movement is about how we can all work together to build a better pipeline for building, running, and shipping software and give our customers a better experience.
  • In the financial world, security is probably number one, followed by latency, and then resiliency/reliability.
  • It's important to determine what aspects one gets by default from their cloud platform and what the blind spots are.
  • Security in the context of Kubernetes has become an important issue.
  • Teleport is a Certificate Authority and an Access Plane for your infrastructure.
  • By working closely with developers, SRE teams can make sure that developers are getting what they expect.
  • By giving service ownership, service empowerment, and confidence to developers, SRE teams can enable them to manage their own applications.

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