Securing Kubernetes

Show notes

Key topics on Access Control Podcast: Episode 8 - Securing Kubernetes

  • Evaluating a Kubernetes cluster can occur on several levels. Standard isolation questions include examining how traffic gets into a cluster, how people can access the nodes, and whether the API server is public or private.
  • The three common sources of compromise for Kubernetes clusters are supply chain risks, threat actors, and insider threats.
  • Most hosted Kubernetes systems, especially cloud provider systems, come with a hardened node image.
  • When companies get into feature delivery tunnel vision, security takes a back seat, and at some point, they might be left running an outdated node version.
  • Without smooth continuous delivery pipelines, the responsibility of managing your own infrastructure can be too much for an organization.
  • One preferred way of updating a Kubernetes cluster is to do a blue-green deployment, whereby there are two clusters behind the load balancer.
  • Misconfiguration is a main cause of security incidents, and preventing misconfigurations is about testing.
  • A Kubernetes namespace is not a security boundary in itself because there are things that are not namespaced, so there is no way to accurately correlate security criteria to the namespace.

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